1. Домой
  2. Sustainability
  3. Цели и проекты

Цели и проекты

Программы до 2021 года

На некоторых объектах нам уже удалось заменить традиционные системы освещения на светодиодные. Системы сжатого воздуха обеспечивают высокий потенциал для энергосбережения. Именно поэтому мы запустили несколько проектов по энергосбережению и, как следствие, сокращению выбросов CO2. Анализ энергоэффективности, проводимый профессиональными службами, позволяет определить самых крупных потребителей электроэнергии и принять соответствующие меры. Системы отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха постепенно модернизируются. Экономию энергоресурсов можно обеспечить за счет установки в системах отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха рекуператоров тепла с конусообразными раструбами. На двух крупных объектах уже введены в эксплуатацию групповые котельные. Природный газ характеризуется значительно более низким коэффициентом выбросов, чем электрический ток. Полученная энергия используется в наших системах отопления и для работы крупногабаритных моечных установок. На некоторых объектах, как, например, в Часне (Польша), новое здание оснащено системой управления и связи, а также системой измерения энергопотребления. Кроме того, планируется внедрение других проектов для отдельных предприятий.
Наши объекты регулярно проходят проверку в соответствии с экологическим стандартом ISO 14001. Помимо постоянного усовершенствования системы эти меры направлены на повышение осведомленности сотрудников в вопросах защиты окружающей среды. 
В 2013 году мы внедрили план управления энергопотреблением в соответствии со стандартом ISO 50001. Нам удалось обеспечить экономию ценных ресурсов благодаря значительным инвестициям в проекты по энергосбережению на наших площадках в Германии и других странах.

„Greenhouse Gas International“ communication tool:

An international steering committee has been established to implement the sustainability strategy in all areas of the company. The progress in the reduction of emission values is systematically tracked in this committee by means of key figures and targets. Already since 2013, EJOT has been transparently publishing all CO2e emissions directly and indirectly caused by the company's activities in a Corporate Carbon Footprint report according to the standards of the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG). The EJOT carbon footprint is measured according to the three emission sources, the so-called scopes: Scope 1 - emissions include the release of climate-damaging gases in the company, for example from heating systems or the own vehicle fleet. Scope 2 emissions take into account the energy that the company obtains from external sources - primarily electricity and district heating. Scope 3 comprises all other emissions caused by the company's activities, for example at suppliers or end consumers.

Green Product Development:

Another starting point towards a more environmentally friendly way of doing business is the development and research of alternative plastic materials. As part of this, we have launched two projects that focus on the use of alternative plastic materials:
Our 1st project highlights the use of so-called "recyclates", i.e. materials which consist of 100% recycled processes. It is particularly important here that the material properties are permanently guaranteed in order to ensure consistent product quality and performance.

Products are already in use in local markets to evaluate their practical applicability. Based on the knowledge gained here, further applications can be derived.
Our 2nd project deals with "bio-polymers", which consist of 100% sustainable bio-polyethylene. This can be obtained, for example, from the bioalcohol of sugar cane. The advantages of this basic material are obvious, because the bio-based plastics consist of renewable raw materials. The chemical structure of these plastics does not differ significantly from those obtained from petroleum.
This project is currently in a test phase.

Circular economy at EJOT:
As a technology leader, EJOT already makes important contributions to the circular economy and energy saving with its product variety in numerous areas: Examples can be found in products for thermal insulation, electromobility, car body construction or solar technology.

3. Green energy supply 

Expansion of renewable energies:
In order to achieve the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by 2035, EJOT is focusing, among other things, on avoiding emissions by installing photovoltaic systems for the use of solar energy, converting the company's own vehicle fleet to electric mobility and promoting employee leasing of e-bikes. By purchasing electricity from renewable sources, EJOT shows a clear vote for environmental protection.

Purchasing "green electricity":
Starting in 2025, EJOT will exclusively purchase "green power" worldwide - the pioneers of the group, EJOT Austria and EJOT Poland, have already been purchasing electricity from renewable energy sources for years. Furthermore, it is planned to achieve a share of own electricity of up to 10% by 2030 for all EJOT buildings through regenerative sources. The new building at the EJOT Turkey site will directly reach this quota with a 2,000 kWp PV system. EJOT France starts an energy partnership project with neighboring companies and the municipality of Villè. Sustainably produced electricity will be marketed regionally. No one is excluded and everyone can make their contribution to the energy transition.

2. Becoming more efficient

ISO 50001 / energy efficiency programs:
EJOT Poland has been proving for a long time that energy can be saved with an installed energy measuring system and a building control system and at the same time the use of injection molds has been optimized again.
At EJOT China, heat is generated from geothermal energy with a heat pump. In Finland at EJOT SORMAT we use a pellet central heating. With our worldwide projects for climate protection, we will jointly reach the goal of climate neutrality from 2035.

Efficient building:
In its construction activities, EJOT increasingly focuses on climate neutrality, such as with the construction of the new TecCenter in Bad Laasphe. The innovative TecCenter will have "passive house character": Facade greening, photovoltaics, geothermal energy with heat pump, charging columns for e-mobility in front of the building - the TecCenter thus fulfills the kfw funding requirements for CO₂e neutrality of businesses.
